Further to the points contained in Memo 4 from the GMM, re Coronavirus and other relevant issues, I have to advise the PGM, after much deliberation and consultation with Commissioned Office-bearers, has taken the difficult decision to formally suspend all masonic activity within the Province as of Monday 16 March, 2020. This is primarily to help protect the health of members and lessen the potential spread of Coronavirus in our communities. This decision will be reviewed in the first week of August, 2020.
The PGM hopes brethren will understand the reasoning behind this decision and prays we can all resume our masonry in happy, healthy state before too long.
Although our meetings may be stopped it is our hope and intention to ensure as much masonic fun and business can be carried out online, so get your thinking caps on. More to follow!
Please notify any brethren you think may not be online!
Yours faithfully and fraternally,
Jimmy McCallum
PG Sec