On Saturday, 13 July 2024 Lodge St Molios No 774 hosted a visiting deputation from Lodge St Conval Giffnock No 1359. The visiting lodge conferred a Master Mason degree upon one of 774’s candidates.
Young and New Masons Forum in Argyll & Isles
The Young and New Masons Forum in the Province of Argyll and the Isles was inaugurated at the Provincial Communication in April 2024. This initiative is part of the Grand Lodge of Scotland’s Apprentice Pillars, intended to encourage new and young masons to come together in creative ways across Scotland and encourage young men to join.
The Argyll Young Masons have been working together for a year, ably led by the now IPM of Lodge St Munn Ardnadam No 496, Bro. Fraser Harvey. The Young Masons conferred an Entered Apprentice degree in January 2024 and it was a very successful night indeed.
Young Masons EA Degree at Lodge St Munn Ardnadam No 496
The Young and New Masons Forum is chaired by Fraser Harvey and we look forward to seeing what the Young Team come up with!
Installation at Lodge St Munn Ardnadam No 496
Bro Kevin Barton was installed as Master of Lodge St Munn Ardnadam No 496 at Sandbank Village Hall on Saturday, 23 March 2023. The installing masters were Bros Arthur French, PM 496, Allan Davidson, PM 496 and John Fletcher, PM 335.
Installation at Lodge Dunoon Argyll No 335
Bro Stephen Stewart was installed as Master of Lodge Dunoon Argyll No 335 on Saturday, 24 February 2024. Installing Masters were John Fletcher, Duncan MacPherson and Brian Jeffrey, all PMs of Lodge 335.
Young Masons EA Degree at Lodge St Munn Ardnadam No 496
The Provincial Grand Lodge visitation to St Munn Ardnadum No 496 on Wednesday, 11 January 2024 was an EA degree conferred on Kyle McClure. This was carried out for the first time by a degree team of young masons from the Province, organised and headed by the Master of 496 Bro Fraser Harvey. The degree was excellent and the hall was full to witness this unique event.