Lodge 774 RWM John Murchie and PGL Treasurer Andrew Perrie made the prize draw for prostate cancer on Monday 20 June in the lodge premises.
The winner of the draw was Richard Caulfield from 754. I’m not sure why it was read out as Kenny, but Andrew Perrie chased it up and got the right name. Enjoy your dram, Richard!
Donation to Martyn’s Monday Club
Donation of £2000 to Martyn’s Monday Club, in Oban, from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll and The Isles and the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Pictured are Bro., Robert A. Cruickshanks, PG Chaplain of Argyll and The Isles and receiving the cheque, Bro., Diarmid MacMillan, co-founder of the organisation, a suicide prevention and mental health support charity for men and women, based in Oban. Diarmid expressed the gratitude of everyone involved with MMC, for the kind donation, which will go toward adding to the 200 plus people they have already trained and also, employing 2 co-ordinators to develop appropriate activities and support in the community, as demand has only increased during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus Donations by Lodge Loch Fyne, No 754
Current Master of the Lodge, Donald Crawford, said it has been a privilege to try to help during this crisis, for example we gave £150 to Midton Acrylics, to make safety visors for NHS staff in Argyll and the same to volunteers making “scrubs,” uniforms for nurses. We have also, donated a couple of large screen ”Tablets” to Ardfenaig Care Home and a consignment of soft drinks to hospital staff, to show our appreciation for these dedicated, hard working staff.
On behalf of residents, manager of Ardfenaig, Nan Anderson said, “our whole team are doing a fantastic job of looking after our residents and each other during this very difficult time. This kind donation is very welcome. We will use them to reach out to families and people in the community, reminisce, play games, catch up with news, learn new skills and have consultations with professionals. The possibilities are endless. We thank all of you very much for thinking of us and for your support.”
Pictured are Angela Tustin, of Ardfenaig, receiving the ”Tablets” from Donald Crawford, of Lodge Loch Fyne, No.754 and also, local mental health staff, with their supply of soft drinks.
Grand Lodge Covid-19 Challenge Appeal
Hopefully you are aware of the Grand Lodge Covid-19 Challenge Appeal, launched on 19 of May, which offers support of up to £2000 for any one cause and I would encourage all lodges to make use of it to benefit their local community.
The Provincial Grand Lodge also intends to give this consideration and would welcome any suggestions that PGL itself might support.
Also, you will be aware of the PGL “Passport Scheme” to recognise the achievements of brethren who visit all the lodges in the Province, by the award of a special lapel pin. Clearly we have no idea when meetings will resume and thus enable visits to all lodges to be completed.
Meantime, we invite lodges to nominate one deserving member that they know to have visited all 18 lodges in the Province to be awarded an “Honorary” passport lapel pin in recognition of their endeavours. The Lodge can then arrange for its presentation (social distancing compliant), hopefully make it a special moment and also be of interest to other members, etc.
As always, stay safe brethren.
Coronavirus Notice
Further to the points contained in Memo 4 from the GMM, re Coronavirus and other relevant issues, I have to advise the PGM, after much deliberation and consultation with Commissioned Office-bearers, has taken the difficult decision to formally suspend all masonic activity within the Province as of Monday 16 March, 2020. This is primarily to help protect the health of members and lessen the potential spread of Coronavirus in our communities. This decision will be reviewed in the first week of August, 2020.
The PGM hopes brethren will understand the reasoning behind this decision and prays we can all resume our masonry in happy, healthy state before too long.
Although our meetings may be stopped it is our hope and intention to ensure as much masonic fun and business can be carried out online, so get your thinking caps on. More to follow!
Please notify any brethren you think may not be online!
Yours faithfully and fraternally,
Jimmy McCallum
PG Sec