A very nice installation in our “other” Province, recently, at Lodge Glencoe, No 884, where Master Elect John Docherty was installed for his second year in office by PM John Kennedy of Lodge Lochiel No 1200. There was a very good turnout from within and without the province to see the proceedings, with an Installing Board of 24 reigning or past masters!
Provincial Grand Lodge was represented by Depute PGM Bro. Kenneth Harvey, who made a special comment about the dedicated efforts of various brethren to keep the Lodge going despite difficult times, and wished newly installed Master and office-bearers all the best for the coming year.
John was delighted to be supported by two of his brethren, who travelled from Lodge Carron No 39 to be there and joined the excellent harmony which followed.
Thank you to all at Lodge Glencoe No 884 for the very enjoyable meeting and hospitality.

My name is Robbie Cameron, from Onich. I was a brother from Lodge Glencoe, 884. Can someone get in touch with me as I’m abroad working, and I’m wanting at attend a lodge meeting. But I have no evidence of my lodge. My father was Robin Cameron, and uncle John Cameron
Hi Bro. Cameron. I’ll pass this on to the PG Secretary and see if he can help.
Cams Campbell, Provincial Grand Webmaster.
Glencoe is my mother lodge, I have been out of circulation with my masonic bretheren as I have been away from ‘home’, for 30 years. My father was Robin Cameron, and uncle John Cameron, both members of the Glencoe lodge, as I am.
I am being invited to a lodge in the Middle East, but they require proof of my membership. Can you help please.
I am hoping the lodge secretary for Glencoe #884 reads this or someone reading this can be kind enough to send me his e-mail. I would like to do a lodge visit on 6 November. I will be in the area doing Macintyre clan family research during that time. I need to find out if there are any requirements for a lodge visit i.e. letter from Grand Lodge of Virginia showing my dues are properly up to date. I am currently filling the lodge officer billet of Marshall at John A. Lejeune #350, Quantico, Va.
I would recommend that you contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, Brother Jim McMillan, and request the contact details for the lodge secretary of Lodge Glencoe No 884. I’m sure he’d be able to help you with your enquiry. His email is jamesbelmcmillan@gmail.com.